For me this same practice (if this be called an application) is very useful to know the existence of people who want us to know exist. Simply register once and one-time confirmation to hp are we going to track, then onwards we will be able to track down people who want us to know exist without konfirmsai longer in people who have a hp nomernya wanted at that time knew existed.
Here's how:
1. search type (space) in search NomerHpsend sms to 9455
2. no later than 9455 sms: Request permission has been sent to ..................., please wait
3. on the phone you want to know his existence will be no sms: This is the service's location. (........................) name requested permission to find your location. Please reply and mengeik "YES" to approve it.
4. After the owner's hp mengijin for its existence in the know on the phone asking the permission will be able to sms: addition of friends succeed, your friends (.................) have given permission. then will be more sms that tells the location of people who want us to know exist.
5. so after the last registration stage, we simply mengetkkan: FIND (space) Mobile Numbersend to 9455. and we will get a report the existence of people who want us to track his whereabouts.
6. At this time the authors do a search with the XL card and fellow XL
Begini caranya :
1. ketik cari(spasi)NomerHp di cari
kirim sms ke 9455
2. nanti ada sms dari 9455 : Permintaan ijin telah dikirimkan ke..................., harap menunggu
3. di hp yang ingin kamu ketahui keberadaannya akan ada sms : Ini adalah layanan Lokasi Teman. nama(........................)meminta ijin untuk mengetahui lokasi anda. Mohon reply dan mengeik "YES" untuk menyetujuinya.
4. Setelah si empunya hp mengijin kan untuk di ketahui keberadaannya maka di hp yang meminta ijin akan dapat sms : penambaanteman berhasil, teman anda (.................) telah memberikan ijin. kemudian akan dapat lagi sms yang memberi tahu lokasi orang yang ingin kita ketahui keberadaannya.
5. jadi setelah tahap registrasi tadi maka kita cukup mengetkkan : CARI(spasi)NOmer HP
kirim ke 9455. dan kita akan mendapat laporan keberadaan orang yang ingin kita lacak keberadaannya.
6. Pada saat ini penulis melakukan pencarian dengan kartu XL dan sesama XL